(C)One EDI Portal is center for exchange of information between companies related to the carriage of cargo by various transport modes: freight forwarders, terminals, shipping lines (agents), road transport, air- and railway carriers.
(C)One EDI Portal solves the following tasks:
- Reduces manual labor, allowing to avoid the double entry of cargo information;
- Reduces the number of errors in the documents;
- Solves the problems related to different formats and protocols of electronic data interchange, and also minimizes the number of file formats, required to be maintained by each individual partner;
- Flexibly regulates the access to information by passing to partners only the necessary part of it;
- Automatically notifies the partners on the various events taking place with the cargo or documents;
- Consolidates information from various sources;
- Replaces paper documents by electronic ones, using also the electronic signing of documents.
The following companies operating various roles in the transport chain already exchange their information through (c)ONE EDI Portal:
- Shipping Lines (container and Ro-Ro): APL, CMA-CGM, Hapag Lloyd, MAERSK, MannLines, MSC, OOCL, Sea Connect, Safmarine, Seago, TeamLines, Transfenica, Tschudi Shipping, Unifeeder, X-Press Feeders;
- Rail carriers: Estonian Railways;
- Hauliers: Wett, Mill;
- Terminals and depots: Muuga CT, Refetra, Esteve, Matsu, Olaret,Miramis, PL Trans;
- Freight Forwarders: CF&S, MTF, Maritime Cargo Logistics, OCS, Nurminenn, Greencarrier, Overseas, Omega Shipping, Transocean and many other;
- Vessel agents: Nurminen, Appprove, Seatrader Agency;
- Customs declarants and principals (GO group);
- Customs and other governmental institutions: in Estonia and Finland.
(C)One EDI Portal project is not a closed project, but it develops extremely rapidly. At the same time, the number of participants and their roles is growing. Nowadays the following information flows move through (C)One EDI Portal:
- Cargo manifests, bills of lading;
- Cargo plans and results of their performance;
- Ship's papers: general declaration, passenger lists, crew lists, etc.;
- Releases, powers of attorney, orders and other documents authorizing the operation with a load;
- Pre-notifications of arrival;
- Supporting documents: invoices, packing lists, goods specifications, etc.;
- Railway documents, including SMGS;
- Customs procedures, including ICS / ECS for the EU countries;
- Information on the tracking of cargo and cargo operations;
- The status of wastewater at the terminals, etc.
(C)One EDI Portal receives information from a partner in the form / format that is most convenient to them, and gives it to other partners in a form convenient for them. As of today, the Portal processes information in the following formats: EDIFACT, XML, XLS, CSV, PDF, DDOC. All software products of Cone Center OU (for which there is a need) are able to interact with (C)One EDI Portal.